Dunheved Lodge
Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities
9 Dunheved Road North
Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 6AH
0208 665 6405

Service Users

We believe that all individuals have wishes and aspirations. Realistic goals are set out according to their abilities which form part of their Person Centred Plan. Each goal is then subdivided into small steps and Service Users are supported to achieve it. Training and consistency is paramount. All Outcomes are assessed regularly.

Study Case

Lilly (pseudonym)
When Lilly joined us, in February 2012, her weight was 85kg (Ideal weight 63kg). Being overweight affected her mobility and she was constantly out of breath. Lilly’s mood fluctuated from time to time and her behaviour was also very unpredictable. i.e.: Lilly would hit out, would grab or pick up food from others’ plates and was not cooperative. PRN Medication was needed in order to control her behaviour. Lilly lacked confidence and was very withdrawn.
Action Plan:
Visits to G.P and Psychiatrists were arranged and advice from both professionals was for Lilly to adopt a healthier eating plan and a regular exercise program. Immediately, Lilly and Keyworker formulated a nutrition and exercise plan which was consistently followed by the whole Staff Team. Lilly joined a Keep Fit Class and regular walking sessions in the vicinity.
Lilly had several One to One Sessions with her Keyworker where by all her good behaviours were praised and all her challenging behaviour was discussed and discouraged.
Within 2 years of consistent monitoring and support, Lilly has achieved her ideal weight. Lilly’s behaviour has improved and PRN Medication has been reduced considerably. Lilly is now more confident and interacts well with most people. Her communications skills have improved and so has her table manners.
The long term goal is to maintain her ideal weight and to continue to get involved in more activities gearing towards independence.